3 Ways Soup and Smoothies boost energy and motivation
The Soup & Smoothie diet
Smoothies play so many roles – a convenient breakfast on the commute to work, before/after the gym, as a mid-day pick-me-up, part of a detox/cleanse, or a meal replacement for weight control. But like most food trends, we start to tire of them. Have no fear as the next generation of liquid meals has arrived!
Souping to the rescue!
Souping is the name given to the nutritional upgrade to juicing. Adding soup to a juice cleanse protocol provides a homey appeal that makes a detox easier than an only juice cleanse.
Total juice cleanses can spike blood sugar levels leading to swings in energy levels. Adding soup to the cleanse makes this protocol inherently lower in sugar because the vegetables used to create soups are more complex or slower burning carbs than fruits.
Soup choices with colorful names like, Kale-lifornia Dreamin’ to Lentil Me Entertain You!, to And the Beet Goes On; combined with convenient home delivery, has propelled this new segment of the food/cleanse industry into double digit growth for inspiring Souping entrepreneurs.
Using seasonally grown non-GMO ingredients, these sodium friendly creations are made without preservatives but use liberal amounts of antioxidant-rich spices like tumeric and cumin. The soups are delivered cold, can be consumed as a “cold soup smoothie” but the appeal of a warmed up soup eaten with a bowl and spoon, makes “being on a cleanse” so much more enjoyable.
For those interested in “liquid” or cleansing diets, the combination of souping with smoothies can fill nutrition gaps and more. Keep reading to discover the 3 ways soups and smoothies can provide an energy and a motivational boost.
3 Ways Soups and Smoothies can boost your energy and motivation
1. Thinking about trying a juicing diet? Consider following a 1-3 day Soup & Smoothie (S&S) diet plan instead. The nutrients found in a S&S diet can hit the top of the dial on the nutri-density meter.
Souping recipes are full of vegetables, green and root-type, providing fiber, anti-oxidants, and vitamins plus many cream based soups use non-dairy milk products which are fortified with vitamin D and calcium.
Smoothies prepared with protein powder, a handful of greens, healthy fat, and touch of fruit hit the spot for nutritionally resembling 3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry with sides of veggies and fruit.
All of these ingredients are exploding with vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, anti-oxidants, body-loving fats, and even squeeze in some fiber. All told, many people who “soup n’ smooth” are receiving meals packed with more nutrients than found in their typical lunch salad from the local take out.
A few days of souping and sipping smoothies can provide a boost of energy by the nature of reducing the work load on the gastro-intestinal tract. This break from digesting solid foods leaves many people feeling “light” since they don’t experience bloat, indigestion, or worst. It’s common for the S&S crowd to share they feel more productive during their “cleanse” days.
2. One reason busy people like S&S days is that it takes food decisions off the table. Research has shown that the average person makes over 200 food related decisions per day. This leads to decision fatigue within our meals which easily leads to bad choices.
Another reason people like the S&S route is the convenience it offers. The combination of less food decisions with convenience gives your brain a rest of having to wonder “what should I eat today?”
A boost of energy along with the self-efficacy experienced in following the plan for 1-3 days can be the shot of motivation needed to look at what other tweaks you can make to your diet.
3. Have you ever found yourself craving the food you ate last night when you start your day? What about the excitement you feel when you anticipate your lunch made of last night’s noshy dinner leftovers? What’s happening here? Your taste buds have been hijacked by flavors that when combined with other food additives drives you to want to eat more.
Taking a pause from your usual eating routine re-directs taste buds to appreciate new taste and textures; like, spinach or kale in your morning smoothie or the taste of pureed pumpkin in your pumpkin ginger soup.
Even a one day splurge of soup and smoothies can re-dial your taste buds and boost motivation to keep moving forward with more nutritious choices.
How to plan your soup and smoothie meal plan
To make a truly blended smoothie with striking ingredients (think fresh kale, ginger, cacao nibs) a mixer with at least 900 watts of motor power is preferred. The ability of these motor munching machines to disintegrate the tough leaves of kale and hard outer shell of cacao nibs and even nuts, provides the mixture of flavors in a smooth to the tongue sensation.
For the souping part of the plan and for those who prefer home delivery try Soupelina, home-delivery programs. For the DIY souper, there are cookbooks such as, The Soup Cleanse – contains information and recipes. For the true souper pioneer, a research on google for easy, home-made soups will provide a plethora of selections to fit the pickiest taste buds and culinary skills.
Smoothie recipes can fill the gap for meeting fruit, vegetable and protein needs; while souping helps to meet your slow absorbing carb needs (especially the undigestible portion of carbs – fiber), along with specific vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Are soups and smoothies the new peas and carrots?
Some foods do go together like 2 peas in a pod. As a registered dietitian nutritionist for over three decades, one thing I know for sure – there always will be a new “it” food making promises for better health. Along with a new slew of diet plans based on everything from your birth order to the state you reside.
The common sense approach to eating (my common sense) is to eat foods as close to their original origin or structure; eat foods in their whole form (that’s why we have teeth – there will be a time when puree foods may be all you can master); eat foods that make your body feel good, and only eat foods you truly enjoy. That’s why I’ll pass on the wheat grass, no matter how many nutrients it packs in 2 ounces!
That said, I’ve seen how a soup and smoothie diet for short spurts can help the uber time-pressed and/or the person trying to dial back their total calories to kick start weight loss. There convenient for times in your life when food is not a priority (think school or work deadlines); times when your gastro-intestinal tract needs a rest from digesting whole foods, and when you know you need a “time out” from your self-proclaimed “I’m not eating as healthy as I’d like ” patterns.
Disclaimer: Cleanse protocols involve a reduction in caloric intake that may result in hunger, light headiness, or feeling weak. Always consult with your own doctor prior to starting any type of cleanse diet. Any information provided here should not be used as a substitute for a physician’s consultation, advice or treatment
I’d like to hear from you; have you tried a day or more of a soup and smoothie menu? If yes, what was it like? Did it influence your mood, sleep, cravings, or even productivity?
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